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Health and wellness workshops to inspire your team
Design the package of workshops that will educate and motivate individuals throughout your organisation.
All our workshops are engaging and interactive – designed to deliver practical advice along with easy to implement strategies and techniques so that everyone who attends leaves with customised solutions for quick and lasting results.
Workshop duration = 60-minutes

Introduction to wellness & performance

Fitting in fitness

How to get a great night’s sleep

Healthy eating for energy & performance

Resilience & peak performance

Mindfulness and how to make it work for you

Maximise your energy levels
Resilience & peak performance
Professional life is busy, challenging, and we all need to regularly achieve a state of peak performance.
This workshop highlights tried and tested techniques that will ensure everyone understands how to perform at their best each day.
We explore what creates a state of flow, effectiveness and peak performance for each participant and we develop a plan to achieve this state more often.
The session covers solutions to optimise mental health and manage energy and resilience. We explain key coaching techniques that can be employed to ensure a positive, proactive, can-do attitude at all times.
Enjoyable and informative.
A great session. Lots of useful techniques discussed.
Great! An hour out of a busy schedule that has helped me see a way forward to a frustration that's been hanging around for months.
Healthy eating for energy & performance
Eating well while working in an office or within a busy schedule working from home or on the move can be challenging but, when people are busy is precisely when they need to experience good energy and feel clear headed and effective.
When it comes to making the right choices with food and drink to ensure great health, energy, mood and weight management, we know the strategies that work and this workshop will help everyone who attends design an easy to follow plan to fuel themselves well through all manner of daily challenges.
Very helpful and motivating.
Very informative session. I thought it was very useful and full of ideas.
The session today was brilliant. Taught me a lot in such a short time. Going to use the things I learned today to make changes to my diet.
How to get a great night's sleep
The ability to experience a quality night of restful sleep is directly related to the choices we make every day with what we eat, our physical activity (or inactivity), how we manage our time and how we deal with stress, a busy routine and other people.
This workshop highlights the simple steps everyone can take each day to maximise the quantity and quality of sleep every night, and feel energised for the day ahead.
The workshop includes a self-assessment to establish ‘what type of sleeper are you?’ and then explores work schedules, shift patterns, family routine, social commitments and how all of these impact on sleep.
We explain the value of analysing both sleep quantity and sleep quality and help all participants establish what their best sleep routine looks like.
Very interesting and thought-provoking session.
Did not realise there were as many factors to consider with sleeping patterns. Now I have more knowledge I will make a conscious effort to work on sleep.
Great presentation. Very informative. Lots of good ideas and examples of these.
Fitting in fitness
For all the years that we’ve been delivering wellness initiatives, how to fit exercise and activity into a busy schedule is still one of the issues that people struggle with the most.
So we developed a specific workshop to tackle this head on.
During the session we help participants develop a crystal clear idea of the results they are seeking with their exercise and from this we develop the fitness plan that helps them achieve these results quickly and without great disruption to their already busy routine. Not only that, participants can rest assured that they can put an end to stop-start fitness results by designing the approach that works for them in the short, medium and long-term.
Excellent - thought provoking!
I have left with a plan and motivation to get started.
This session was exactly what I needed to motivate me to start my fitness journey again since falling behind the past few months. Thank you!
Introduction to wellness & performance
A webinar during which all participants can identify individual priorities for action along with strategies to ensure exceptional results with their wellbeing, energy management and personal performance, all day, every day.
During the session we raise awareness of current attitudes and behaviours relating to personal performance, examine the results of these behaviours, and discuss new ideas and strategies that can be implemented immediately for quick results.
The session covers:
How to make wellbeing a priority along with the associated professional and personal benefits of doing so
How to manage your energy within a busy schedule
Effective strategies for building resilience
Healthy eating for energy & performance
Exercise / activity strategies for busy executives
Finding your ideal life balance - what good looks like for you
Ideas for time-effective rest, recovery & relaxation techniques
Successful strategies for good sleep routines
Mindfulness and how to make it work for you
Mindfulness is a popular topic but many employees are unsure of what it is exactly or what precisely living a more mindful life would mean for them and their wellbeing.
This workshop explains the origins of mindfulness and discusses the role of mindfulness today. We look at examples of how individuals can incorporate mindful living into their routine and how this impacts on how they feel and how they perform.
Participants will develop a mindfulness plan which is built around their wider wellbeing and life goals and they will have the opportunity to experience a mindful meditation practice that is guaranteed to have a dramatic impact!
Excellent, very informative, well presented.
Very motivating session, providing lots of inspiration, thanks!
This has given me time to refocus on what I class as 'me time' and how I need to plan to have this. Great session. Very calming.
Maximise your energy levels
Many people believe that energy is a finite resource. That we begin each day with a healthy energy reservoir and gradually use this up as the day progresses.
But what if everyone in your organisation could maintain positive energy levels throughout each day? How do you feel about the prospect of a business full of people with consistently high energy and engagement from morning to afternoon and able to sustain this way of operating into the evening and throughout weekends so they can enjoy every aspect of their lives?
Each participant will have the opportunity to assess and explore their current approach to healthy living and resulting energy levels and then the workshop will demonstrate how everyone can achieve their optimum performance through simple lifestyle changes, tricks and techniques to boost energy and efficiency every single day.
Thank you. I have got some amazing ideas to go back and implement. It's something I'm looking forward to doing. Thank you for helping me.
Thank you. I feel motivated!’
Very informative and helpful.