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Red Bull

Red Bull

"Thank you again for your very informative Health, Wellness and Personal Wellbeing presentation last week for our 60+ members of staff."

"It’s extremely important in our high-paced, energetic working environment to maintain a healthy work/life balance and understand how the type of work we do (with the traveling, late nights and international expectations) can effect our overall wellbeing."

"Everyone on the team has made 3 commitments that they are working towards over the next few weeks, with the goal of integrating these new practices into their long-term routines – I hear people chatting about their commitments in the kitchen or commenting on their lunch choice for the day in relation to their goals."

"Clearly, the points raised in your presentation really have stuck with everyone and we look forward to your follow up in a few weeks time."

"We’d like to have you back to share this presentation with the other areas of the business as well".

Huib van Bockel, Sales Director

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